Skagit Valley Young Life

Does it matter?

4 out of 5

Young Life participants

consider Young Life and it's leaders to be a significant influence on their faith.


of volunteer leaders and staff with

Young Life would overwhelmingly recommend their leadership experience to a friend.


Because students don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care, Young Life leaders show up by going where kids are, meeting them as they are and believing in who they can be. Our leaders are committed to being involved in kids' lives -- from supporting them at their sporting events to listening to them talk about what's important to them and showing them Jesus in how they live their own lives.


Young Life is making a difference in the lives of kids in Skagit Valley because of supportive adults who care about kids. Our local Committee is comprised of parents, Young Life alumni and members of the community who provide a foundation of financial, administrative and moral support for our Skagit Valley Young Life team. Our Committee meets once a month to plan, pray and proactively support our Young Life, Wyldlife and YoungLives groups.